domingo, 11 de octubre de 2009

Google wave to wash email ?

Google, aiming to revolutionize the way people communicate online, has recently introduced an online application named Google Wave. The online tool will store a thread of data, document the history of a conversation and keep it on a server that runs on a Wave Protocol. The wave protocol is related to cloud computing in which the users save, retrieve and work on data and applications on remote computers rather than the local hard drives. It is widely believed that future is for cloud computing in which users don't need to download anything and everything can be done online. The operating system Google is planning to release, Chrome OS, is also based on the similar conceptual framework. The widely used and most popular online communication tool 'email' was first introduced more than 40 years ago and it has little changed in the four decades. Emails are stored in server and are transferred to the users' computer on request. However, Google Wave allows users to collaborate in real time. Users can see how and when things change and respond as required. Email didn't replace snail-mail but it sure did reduce the mail-box load. Now, it might be Email's turn to shed some weight in the inbox. Google Australia first proposed Google Wave in 2007. It is told that 100,000 beta users are testing the service currently. The service currently is invitation only. If you want to test it, you can also request an invite by visiting

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