martes, 1 de julio de 2008

Are we giving too much attention to Google?

It made news when Google 'forgot' to change its logo to give a wink to Canucks on the Canada Day. Although the internet giant has a history of recognizing the Canada Day in the past (except for 2003) July 1st of 2008 brought a bit of hollowness for the Canadians when the same old primary-coloured letters appeared on the Google website. Here is the history and corresponding logos: 2007 - the L in Google was transformed into an image of the Peace Tower, complete with fireworks.
2006 - there was a Canadian flag2005, a simple Maple Leaf did duty as the first O (although Google's list of holiday logos for that year lists Canada Day as July 2.)
2004, the second G was a loon and its reflection with a Canadian flag hanging off the L.
2003, forgot the Canadians2002, a moose lurked behind the word Google with a Canadian flag again suspended from the L.
2001, the first year the company marked the holiday, there was a beaver, a Canadian flag and even text saying: ?Happy Canada Day.?

Do you really care if Google forgets or recognizes the Canada Day!

1 comentario:

  1. Thanks for the great info. I hope you'll follow this with some more great content.
