martes, 18 de diciembre de 2007

Italy - Court thinks Friday is not a nice name

I talked about strange names and disputes in naming a child decently.
In another recent news an Italian court has ruled that a couple could not name their son "Friday" and ordered that he instead be called Gregory after the saint whose feast day he was born on.
Well, I don't think Friday is such a bad name. Or at least it is much better than "4real" or "@". The child's mother was quoted as saying: "My son was born Friday, baptised Friday, will call himself Friday, we will call him Friday but when he gets older he will have to sign his name Gregory". (Read more)

2 comentarios:

  1. it seems to me that "friday" is within reason. what about "friday" in robinson crusoe? friday would probably be my pick out of all the days of the week...

  2. I wonder how can people choose such strange names for their children! Don't they guess that a strange and funny name can affect a child's life - peers will laugh at him/her and he/she will have lots of complexes. I think, the court was right. And the name Gregory seems me to be much better than silly Friday.
