miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2007

Two decades of raised hand!

?Life is just one, long high-five: Hindu holy man Baba Hath Khada ? last seen at the Ardh Kumbh mela in Allahabad, India ? has kept one arm raised over his head for nearly two decades. Why we don?t know.?
Well, keeping your hand above your head for an hour might be difficult for most of us but this hermit is keeping his hand like this for about a couple of decades.

The fingers look so weird... may be it is because of uncut and curled nails.

I wonder how he can do everything with a single hand when workable hand is hanging above his head all the time. I don't know what he gets by doing all this (except a photo feature and articles like this)!

Don't you think it would have been better if he donated his hand to those who don't have one and desperately need it! (AP photo in flickr)

4 comentarios:

  1. I read this in Guinness a while back...its in reverence to some God...i cannot recall the religion

  2. "Don?t you think it would have been better if he donated his hand to those who don?t have one and desperately need it!"
    You... you can't transplant a hand buddy. Nice thought though.

  3. Yeah you can champ. Well I mean YOU can't, far from it, but someone out there can, and has done so.

  4. very interesting, but I don't agree with you
