domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2007

Venezuela "almost" banned the odd names

When the electoral official of Venezuela found two Venezuelans with name "Superman" registered to vote, they decided that people are not capable of naming their children decently.
The National Electoral Council had proposed banning "names that expose (children) to ridicule, are extravagant or difficult to pronounce" or raise doubts about whether a child is a girl or a boy.(cbs news)
It also proposed to provide a list of valid traditional names for parents to choose from for their newborn. If it were passed naming a child would not be that much exciting!

Thanks god, after child protection official's warning that it will people's right of liberty, Venezuelan officials withdrew the proposal.

There was a news about a kid from New Zealand being named ?Superman? when he was declined to be named ?4real?. And one Chinese couple wanted to name their child very uniquely- ?@? (source). I have no idea how I shall call the the Chinese guy if I ever met him. At, at the rate of, email, or mailman ?? :-\

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