It is illegal to drive without an insurance in most of the places. Knowing a few things before applying for a car insurance can be helpful in reducing the insurance rate you can get. A simple theory in insurance rate is that good drivers pay less and bad drivers continue to pay for their driving habits.
Before applying for a car insurance, first thing is to get are the letters from the previous insurance company. The insurance experience might be very useful in lowering the insurance rate. You might also need a driving licence valid for the place you are living. In Canada, people living in British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan might not have much choice as the government provides the insurance, but for other places my experience tells that one needs to do a bit of market research before deciding on going for a particular company. provides details on getting a competitive rate and gives some guidelines to cut the cost of your car insurance. The website is also a very helpful resource in getting other insurances like home insurance and life insurance.
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