lunes, 5 de marzo de 2007

Kitchen Computer ...

Kitchen Computer

Hello! It is 1969, and my wonderful husband has bought me a Honeywell Kitchen Computer to help me with my cooking! It is a $10,000+ status symbol from the Nieman Marcus catalog. It will replace my unwieldy and difficult to use recipe box. How I love my Kitchen Computer! And my husband!
The Kitchen Computer is both stylish and functional. See its sleek lines, bright red accents, and handy built-in counter top? It matches my dress! And my lipstick!
... ... What a piece of junk! What idiot thought this was a good idea? I hate my Kitchen Computer! I hate my husband! I'm going to divorce him and go get a job designing computers that don't suck!
An article about kitchen computer in Dr. Dobb's Jornal.
You can see it in person at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, currently housed next to the first production Google rack (in the background of the photos to the left of the Kitchen Computer).
Source: link via : link

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