SEO son en verdad las siglas en inglés de "optimización de motores de búsqueda" (Search Engine Optimization) o de optimizador de motores de búsqueda(Search Engine Optimizer). Contratar a un SEO es una decisión relevante que debe mejorar su sitio y ahorrarle tiempo, y del mismo modo se arriesga a dañar su funcionamiento y reputación. Asegúrese de averiguar ya sea las posibles ventajas como los daños que un SEO poco solvente puede provocar en su sitio. Muchísimos SEO y otras agencias y consultorías pueden ofrecer servicios útiles para los propietarios de portales de internet.
El posicionamiento en Google no tiene por qué ser necesariamente el webmaster o el responsable , sino que éste último podrá contratar sus servicios. Por otro lado cada vez más sociedades que se han especializado en el posicionamiento en buscadores, y dan ayuda a otros portales de internet
Una de las técnicas básicas es posicionamiento para google y otros buscadores. Dicha técnica consiste en lograr de forma, natural, las mejores posiciones en los buscadores con los criterios de busqueda más importantes del nicho
La optimización SEO se compone de diversos detalles que se entrelazan entre sí, con técnicas que cumplen con buenas prácticas permitiendo que el sitio web sea amigable a los principales motores de búsqueda. Conocer de que forma funcionan los motores de búsquedas es relevante.
Imagine una enorme cantidad de sujetos que buscan a través de los buscadores los servicios y/o artículos que usted tiene listo para vender, ha confeccionado un sitio web con una inversión considerable y los resultados no son los esperados. Más aún, usted sabe que su sitio web podrá hacer retornar su inversión o pagarse sólo con tan sólo la venta de sus productos o servicios a través de él y ve que no es así..
En la actualidad la mayoría de las personas buscan información a través de Internet en donde la mayor medida del tráfico lo impulsan los motores búsqueda, por lo tanto si su sitio web no puede ser encontrado por los motores de búsqueda está perdiendo increíbles oportunidades comerciales para su negocio o empresa.
sábado, 30 de agosto de 2008
sábado, 2 de agosto de 2008
What is your national flower - 3 - Canada
National Flowers of Canada
The Leaf of Maple is an official symbol of Canada. The maple leaf was first used as a Canadian symbol in early 18th century and till now is depicted on its current and previous flags, the penny, and on the coat of arms.
Each provinces however have their own floral emblems (I don't have knowledge about floral emblem of Nunavut). Floral emblems of Canadian provinces and territories are given below:
Alberta - Wild Rose
Wild rose was chosen the provincial flower of Alberta in 1930.
British Columbia - Pacific Dogwood
The Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii) was adopted in 1956 as British Columbia's floral emblem. It is a native plant that grows wild in coastal areas of southern B.C. all the way to northern California. Its showy flowers also make it a highly prized ornamental but the species is protected by law and it is illegal to pick or remove it. The Pacific dogwood is a tree that grows six to eight metres high and flowers in April and May. In the autumn it is conspicuous for its cluster of bright red berries and brilliant foliage.
Manitoba - Prairie Crocus
The floral emblem of Manitoba and the state flower of South Dakota, Prairie Crocus, is also called Pasque Flower and Prairie Anemone.
New Brunswick - Purple Violet
Newfoundland/Labrador - Pitcher Plant
Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia purpurea). Queen Victoria, more than a hundred years ago, chose the Pitcher Plant to be engraved on a newly minted Newfoundland penny. In 1954, the Newfoundland Cabinet designated this unusual and interesting plant as the official flower of the province. It gets its nourishment from insects that get trapped and drown in a pool of water at the base of the tubular leaves. The flower is wine and green in colour and can be found on bogs and marshes in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Northwest Territories - Mountain Avens
Nova Scotia - Mayflower
Nunavut - None
Ontario - Trillium
Red Trillium
White Trillium
Prince Edward Island - Pink Lady's Slipper
Pink Lady's Slippers (Cypripedium acaule)
Québec - Blue Flag Iris
Saskatchewan - Western Red Lily
Lilium philadelphicum
Yukon - Fireweed
The Leaf of Maple is an official symbol of Canada. The maple leaf was first used as a Canadian symbol in early 18th century and till now is depicted on its current and previous flags, the penny, and on the coat of arms.
Each provinces however have their own floral emblems (I don't have knowledge about floral emblem of Nunavut). Floral emblems of Canadian provinces and territories are given below:
Alberta - Wild Rose
Wild rose was chosen the provincial flower of Alberta in 1930.
British Columbia - Pacific Dogwood
The Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii) was adopted in 1956 as British Columbia's floral emblem. It is a native plant that grows wild in coastal areas of southern B.C. all the way to northern California. Its showy flowers also make it a highly prized ornamental but the species is protected by law and it is illegal to pick or remove it. The Pacific dogwood is a tree that grows six to eight metres high and flowers in April and May. In the autumn it is conspicuous for its cluster of bright red berries and brilliant foliage.
Manitoba - Prairie Crocus
The floral emblem of Manitoba and the state flower of South Dakota, Prairie Crocus, is also called Pasque Flower and Prairie Anemone.
New Brunswick - Purple Violet
Newfoundland/Labrador - Pitcher Plant
Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia purpurea). Queen Victoria, more than a hundred years ago, chose the Pitcher Plant to be engraved on a newly minted Newfoundland penny. In 1954, the Newfoundland Cabinet designated this unusual and interesting plant as the official flower of the province. It gets its nourishment from insects that get trapped and drown in a pool of water at the base of the tubular leaves. The flower is wine and green in colour and can be found on bogs and marshes in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Northwest Territories - Mountain Avens
Nova Scotia - Mayflower
Nunavut - None
Ontario - Trillium
Red Trillium
White Trillium
Prince Edward Island - Pink Lady's Slipper
Pink Lady's Slippers (Cypripedium acaule)
Québec - Blue Flag Iris
Saskatchewan - Western Red Lily
Lilium philadelphicum
Yukon - Fireweed
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